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Som en genusvetare vars första jobb var i riskkapital inom teknikbranschen, med specifikt fokus på kommersialisering av forskning, så har jag alltid känt mig lite som en udda fågel inom mitt fält. Mitt mål har alltid varit att skapa en lite drägligare värld för flickor och kvinnor, och jag är väldigt tacksam för att jag tidigt i livet insåg vilka fantastiska verktyg teknik, innovation och entreprenörskap är för att förflytta samhället stora steg i positiva riktningar.

Jag är väldigt glad över att jag hittat en intersektion av branscher där min tid, kunskap och energi kan göra nytta för världen - och att jag dagligen får omringa mig med drivna, ambitiösa och härliga människor som delar mina värderingar. Det är därför det aldrig kostat mig något att vara generös med min tid och medel, i form av ideella engagemang och tidiga investeringar ur egen antagligen alldeles för tunn ficka.

I mitt arbetsliv så har jag varit hos Chalmers Ventures, Startup Norway och sedan i mina egna bolag By the (v) sea och Daya Ventures. Samtidigt har jag engagerat mig ideellt i styrelsen för Tamam Göteborg, 5 år i styrelsen för Women in Tech - Gothenburg där jag i 2 år höll ordförandeposten, samt som projektledare för Ingenjörer utan gränsers entreprenörskaps initiativ. År 2022 så projektledde jag att eventet Nordic Women in Tech Awards kom till Göteborg, där 250 kvinnor samlades för att hylla det bästa inom teknik, innovation och entreprenörskap.

Jag har nog under hela min karriär lagt lika mycket tid och energi på ideella uppdrag som på betalt arbete, vilket gjort mig väldigt rik på upplevelser och fantastiska personer. Som exempel så finansierades mina 9 veckor på plats i Karagwe, Tanzania, för ingenjörer utan gränser med alldeles för långt sparade semesterveckor - och uppbyggnaden av WITGBG till den organisation den är idag har både varit oavlönat och självfinansierat genom åren.

Jag har turen att ha hittat en entreprenöriellt lagt, och icke-materialistisk, man som håller med mig om att så länge våra barn har vad de behöver för att vara trygga och lyckliga så är det okej att resterande intjänade pengar får gå till ideella initiativ eller tidiga bolag där de kan göra mer nytta för världen än på vårt bankkonto.

Men detta pris handlar ju egentligen inte om mig, utan om de bolag och entreprenörer som jag har privilegiet att träffa under mina år i branschen. Så jag slängde ut förfrågan till dem om någon hade 2-3 meningar om hur jag är att arbeta med, och fick ett resultat som är finare för mig än vad något pris någonsin kan vara:
(Jag har investerat som ängel i två av dessa bolag, men utöver det så har jag inga ekonomiska kopplingar till dessa entreprenörer)


Malin's approach to entrepreneurship goes beyond just the business side of things. She genuinely focuses on the individual behind the "founder" title, taking the time to understand their unique journey, strengths, and challenges. It's this personal touch that sets her apart. She fosters the growth of not just companies but also the people behind them.
- Samuel Amant, founder of KOASTAL


Malin is the reason my company exists. She is super generous with her time, knowledge and network. As a first time founder Malin took hours out of her busy schedule monthly to coach me. She taught me everything I needed to know to succeed, so for that I will always be forever grateful. Not only that, but Malin has sharp commercial eyes that have helped us tremendously with our scale up plans, which has been critical to our success. Malin's wide knowledge of the startup eco-system has been so helpful, and I ALWAYS learn something from every conversation I have with her. Also, it's super fun to work with Malin (maybe even too fun). You can always expect laughter and learnings from every meeting. Perhaps, what I think is most wonderful about Malin is that she is just as interested in hearing about our challenges, as much as our successes. Having that honest and supportive relationship has been invaluable. She’s always just a call away to support me through tough decisions, which I am so grateful for. She’s a true supporter, and I feel so incredibly lucky to have convinced her (in a cold linkedin message) to take a coffee with me three years ago.
- Tiffany Boswell, co-founder of Meela (female founder of the year 2022)


I have known Malin over the past year during which I've been moved by her clarity of thought, work ethic, efficient communication and inspiring vision for sustainable global development and gender equality. In addition to her outstanding activities within the respective areas, Malin is also an enabler, someone who has the ability to open new opportunities and pathways for young start-ups to reach a wider audience and greater heights, which as a start-up founder myself, have immensely benefited. I can say with absolute certainty that Malin is a person who is vital for our society and transforming our world for the better.

  • Anand Kumar Rajasekharan, CEO & co-founder Amferia


I have been lucky enough to have Malin as one of my coaches at Chalmers Ventures. Very few times in my life have I met such a genuine person as Malin. She is a champion of equality with a relentless passion for women's rights and so much more. I have personally learned so much from her and her generous support for our startup has opened many doors. When Malin saw the needs we had, she was there for us without hesitation, helping us find the right connections, promoting us, nominating us for crucial events. This is the heartwarming generosity that makes me love the startup world even more.

- Leo Wu, CEO & co-founder Lumeo Technologies


Malin’s attention to detail, effectiveness, and ability to juggle and organize a lot of people’s needs are amazing. She brings encouragement, energy and support in a very much needed and appreciated way. A ray of sunshine that warms the whole room and make everybody comfortable."

- Annika Ridington, CEO & Co-founder RideQ


Malin Frithiofsson. Where to begin.. She is one of the most inspiring women I have ever met in my entire life. She is always open about her experiences, all the good, bad and the ugly. That takes courage, which is something that is very rare. (Especially in a male-dominated industry and open society we have today). She is competent, driven and has a huge heart. Malin is going to achieve so much in her life. I’m 100% sure of it and I hope that I will be there to witness it all.

- Isabella Palmgren, CEO & Co-founder Mimbly, Forbes 30 under 30.


It is hard to know where to begin when it comes to describing Malin. Every time you think you know just exactly how talented she is, she gives you a surprise by showing yet another skill that she gladly uses in order to help you out. For me, she has been invaluable by supporting me through hardships and tough decisions in a gentle and mature way. Malin is a natural-born leader that wants the best for everyone and actually puts the work in to make things happen.

She is the kind of person that will always do her best in order to help others. Simply, she is the kind of team player the rest of us claim that we are in our resumes. 

- Elin Tornblad, CEO and co-founder Potato Plastic, Female founder of the year 2020.



 Malin is a fighter and a doer and extremely courageous. She is intense and bright and the kind of young woman I wish we could clone into an army to set this world on fire in fighting injustice and obtaining equality. If I could choose a mentor for my daughter, it would be Malin. She has thoroughly re-defined how I view the world. I wish every day to be more like her!

- Carolina Jonner, CEO and founder Modigare, tedx speaker.

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Malin Frithiofsson



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